Thursday, December 11, 2014

Everybody wants to look their absolute best during the holiday season. But they may not have the best diet and exercise regime or have too much stress at work that prevents them from achieving that perfection. Luckily, there are several treatments available today at several face treatment spa that people can undergo in order to achieve that perfect, sculpted look:

- Global Lift Treatment: The treatment uses anti-senescence marker techniques that specifically target the protein responsible for cellular aging, called progerin and achieves an immediate and visible face-lift effect without downtime. It reduces double chins, saggy jowls, and eye bags and raises brows, redefines cheekbones and restores an overall youthful look for a more exacting facial definition.

- Clear Balance Treatment: This treatment is designed to normalize the main causes of acne: Giperseboreya, Hyperkeratosis, and Infection.  It is aimed at oily or acne prone skin. It helps remove blackheads and impurities by either preventing the spread of ordinary acne or by accelerating the evolution of the developing lesions. This treatment is found to be incredibly effective with 90% of the users reporting that they were satisfied with it.

- Essential Mini Facial Treatment: This is a deep moisturizing treatment where the skin is cleansed and refined. The professional uses clay to restore the tone and texture of the skin. The treatment also prevents further problems by activating the skin’s immune system using a series of active ingredients.

- Urban White and Derma peel Treatment: This treatment is designed to provide intense exfoliation similar to peeling treatments done in medical clinics. It uses five exfoliating techniques: Mechanical abrasion, ultrasonic micro derma brasion, chemical peeling acids, enzymatic protein-splitting action, biological braking for treatment of prematurely aging skin, skin with spots, expression lines and acne.

- Aquatherm O2 Recovery Facial: Over a course of four sittings, the professional replenishes the skin with a number of minerals and trace elements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, etc. This treatment is extremely effective in eliminating redness and reducing the uncomfortable tightness often experienced by sensitive and reactive skins.

- Corrective Treatment: This non-invasive and medical grade treatment is formulated to treat deep wrinkles and expression lines. Depending on the severity of the problem, it can take anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks to get rid of the problem.

- Eternal Treatment: With about four facials, this treatment achieves eternal and long-term results for ageing and damaged skin by using plant extracts and delivers immediate results.

- Meso science Treatment: This treatment is the most revolutionary non-invasive treatment for the face. It is based on advanced and specialized electro technology that can be used to achieve skin firmness and even tones.

- Men’s Express Energy Treatment: Targeted specifically at men, this treatment uses a special line of cosmetics, Skeyndor’s Express Energy range, to maintain the homeostasis of men’s skin and optimize skin metabolism.

- Vitamin C Radiance: This facial addresses and repairs complexions affected by ageing, acne, sun damage and the environment. This treatment gives mature skin a boost to regain its radiance.


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