Tuesday, August 25, 2015

CSU referring California State University is public university system in Canada. The university provides online study through its 23 universities. CSU Online University is also known as Cal State Online. There is variety of courses offered by Cal State Online. The courses offered are both hybrid program and full online program. In hybrid programs the students take the classes both online and in classrooms.

The programs are offered to the students seeking for bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctorate degrees. The online programs offered are briefly explained below:-

1. Bachelor’s CSU Online Degrees
California State University online degree offers bachelor degree program for various courses. The faculty offered for bachelor’s degree online in Cal State Online is given below:
a. Business and Management: Under business management, CSU offers both fully online and hybrid online courses. Various BS (Business Studies) and BA (Business Administration) courses are offered fully online. Hybrid online courses include various BS courses and Hospitality, hotel management course.
b. Computer and Information Sciences: Both hybrid online course and fully online courses are offered by the California State University or Cal State Online.
c. Education: Under this degree only Hybrid programs are offered.
d. Engineering: Under this degree fully online courses like Quality Assurance and Measurement Sciences are offered.
e. Health Professions: Both hybrid courses and fully online degrees for several health courses.
f. Interdisciplinary Studies: Under this studies fully online as well as hybrid online courses are offered to the students.
g. Psychology: Various human development courses are offered for fully online and hybrid programs.
h. Public Affairs and Services: The programs include both online and hybrid courses for various BS and BA programs in Public Affairs and Services.
i. Social Sciences: Under this degree various social courses are offered both fully online and hybrid online.

2. Master’s CSU Online Degrees
California State University offers various fully online and hybrid programs for Master’s Degree in several courses. Following are the faculties for which Cal State Online offers Master’s degree online.
a. Agriculture and Natural Resources
b. Business and Management
c. Communications
d. Computer and Information Science
e. Education
f. Engineering
g. Health Professions
h. Interdisciplinary Studies
i. Letters
j. Library Science
k. Mathematics
l. Public Affairs and Service
m. Social Sciences

3. Doctorate CSU Online Degrees
The university offers the online doctorate degree in Health Professions. The Doctor of Nursing Practice is offered in CSU.

Why California State University
California State University has the most diverse faculty and resources of the nation and is also known as the most diverse university system in the country. CSU is known as the leader in high-quality, accessible, student-focused higher education that develops programs responsive to business and industry.

CSU offers a high quality online education to its students. The courses are offered in very affordable prices. At the completion of the courses, the Cal State degree is provided to the students. The degree will provide as much value as the degree obtained studying in the classroom itself.

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